Friday, July 06, 2007

Patrick Fitzgerald's E-1?

E-1 as in error on the pitcher (an inspiration of that sand in the eyes of the umpire metaphor he used).

I like Fitz as much as the next guy BUT didn't he commit a huge blunder by not calling Dick Cheney to the stand? Libby put Cheney on the witness list (to squeeze him) -- shouldn't Fitz have done the same (just in case Wells never called him) ??

Couldn't Fitz have asked: Did you tell Libby about Plame? Thank you, no further questions.

Pause, turn back, oh, one other question: did you tell Scooter to get the word out about Wilson's wife?

***SOMEBODY tell me why Fitz didn't call Cheney -- for a reason that doesn't spell ERROR.


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