Wednesday, July 25, 2007

FDNY and Giuliani

Read it!

Deputy Chief Jim Riches FDNYFather of fallen Firefighter Jimmy Riches Jr. FDNY 9/11:-a true American hero

Giuliani is running his campaign on 9/11 as a hero, yet he ran like a coward on 9/11 even before the first tower fell.

Read the 9/11 Commission, National Institute and Technology's NIST report, and McKinsey reports concerning 9/11. You will see the shortcomings and errors of the Giuliani administration.
Doesn't America deserve better than Rudy Giuliani?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

NBA Ref Caught Gambling

Guess Stern DID fix the Ewing draft lottery!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Look Alikes

LOOK ALIKES Wonkette and Dick Gephardt

Time's Karen Tumulty and Jim Nabors

Kenneth Starr and Karl Rove

Monday, July 16, 2007

Cheney's Wimp and Butt Boy

Cheney pushes Bush to act on Iran.

Just the latest...

W wanted to avoid dad's Wimp factor tag. He's okay being Cheney's puppet, though.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Kristol: Go Cheney!

William Kristol should take the next step: start a Draft Cheney movement. A VP of a "successful" administration should be the party's first choice, no?

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


If Rudy was so heroic, more New Yorkers would support him. Essentially, they're grateful that he appeared on TV on 9/11 while Bush was hiding. Giuliani's stature as a "hero" is simply a commentary on how feckless Bush was. Upon closer inspection, New Yorkers realize Giuliani PLACED the EMERGENCY COMMAND CENTER where the first attack on the WTC occurred in 1993. That's unforgiveable. And the rest of the country will come around to see him as the depraved opportunist he is.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Patrick Fitzgerald's E-1?

E-1 as in error on the pitcher (an inspiration of that sand in the eyes of the umpire metaphor he used).

I like Fitz as much as the next guy BUT didn't he commit a huge blunder by not calling Dick Cheney to the stand? Libby put Cheney on the witness list (to squeeze him) -- shouldn't Fitz have done the same (just in case Wells never called him) ??

Couldn't Fitz have asked: Did you tell Libby about Plame? Thank you, no further questions.

Pause, turn back, oh, one other question: did you tell Scooter to get the word out about Wilson's wife?

***SOMEBODY tell me why Fitz didn't call Cheney -- for a reason that doesn't spell ERROR.